Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sooo Done

I am so done with this whole herniated disc issue. I feel like it is taking over my life. I drove to the store yesterday and picked up a few groceries. I was gone maybe an hour and a half and by time I got home I was in an excessive amount of pain. I laid in the middle of the flour of the baby's bedroom squeezing a teddy bear every time the pain shot through me. On the up side my surgeon appointment is Monday. On the down side of this, after eight months of this I feel like I see a light at the end of the tunnel that spells surgery. But I would gladly take surgery if it would finally end this.

I have made tremendous progress in my research for Autumn's homeschooling and am starting to zero in on a few curriculum choices for each subject. I am so looking forward to this experience although I may be singing a different tune this time next year. The first year is always the hardest.

Unfortunately, I am lacking motivation in my class in which my research paper is due in a week. I am the most behind in my research for this class that I have ever been in a class. I am just tired. I have been in school for 7 years without any really significant breaks. I am ready to have a little time in my life to read other things and work on crafts and hobbies. Along with just relaxing sometimes. I'll pull it off though since it's a subject I know fairly well off the cuff. And then only 4 more classes to go and then done-May of next year.

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