Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Friday!

I haven't posted in a while. It was easier to find the time to post when I would get up in the middle of the night when I was still pumping for Zoe. But that's over. And on one hand I am so grateful that I was able to make it to the one year juncture with Zoe, on the other hand I am eternally glad to be done with it. Now I only wake up at night of my own volition or when Zoe decides she can't make it another three hours without eating. Sadly, my lovely D cup breasts have shrunk down to a definitive B cup. I admit I mourn the loss. On the up side, at least I don't have to wear a bra all the time, not enough up there to worry about it.

So I am finishing up my class on Modern European History and that leaves me three more to complete my Masters. I cannot wait to be done with school. I love reading and learning but I've been going at breakneck speed for 6 years now. I would actually just like to read because I want to. I have only done that a handful of times over the last few years (most notably for Game of Thrones which almost led to my not passing my last class). My focus is just more on the kiddos nowadays.